Hmmmm, it seems that Ewan McGregor has got a bee in his bonnet over the UK's
"disgusting" tabloids and "despicable" politicians.
Now, if we examine this story very closely indeed, we can see why McGregor might call the tabloids disgusting. For a start, they are: they spread vicious rumours, they pry into people's personal lives, they tend to be sexist, racist and homophobic, and they have a very low opinion of their readership. They also recently (and I know you'll find this hard to believe) exposed a story about a certain Scottish high-profile actor who's been having it off with some bird behind his wife's back. Allegedly.

So at least he has some first-hand knowledge of how awful the tabloid press is, which makes him more than qualified to comment. But why would McGregor launch a similar attack on politicians?
"I'm not that interested in politicians," he said. "I don't really believe
in them very much. In Britain, anyway, they seem to prove over and over that
they're people that are not particularly trustworthy. I find them just to be
fairly despicable people."
He has a point - the expenses scandal, in particular, has proved that some of our politicians are corrupt beyond belief. But Ewan, you can't express an opinion that tars every single politician in Britain with the same brush, just moments after you've claimed not to be interested in them. If you have no interest, you're just spouting nonsense to your susceptible fans, of which there are many (I LOVE YOU, EWAN!).
The more people believe that politicians are all the same scum-sucking bottom-feeders underneath the spin, the fewer people turn out to vote. Or worse, they vote BNP as a silly "protest".
Having said that, he was brilliant in Shallow Grave, and I met him once and he gave me his autograph. So I am pretty torn up inside over this issue.