Saturday, 6 February 2010

N-Dubz on family values

On a recent edition of This Week, two members of N-Dubz (frankly the holy grail of celeb halfwits) talked out of their arses for ten minutes after an introduction that suggested they might be about to discuss David Cameron's family values policies.

One nugget of information on their political leanings could be salvaged from this: They seemed to agree with Cameron's stance that parenthood is about being nice to your children, not just shoving money in their tiny faces. Next week I expect them to appear on The Sky at Night to nod along while Patrick Moore says something about it being quite black if you look upwards.

Ending on a high, the two gentlemen claimed that they were appearing on the show to make politics more accessible to The Youth. This is very noble of them and, come election day, I hope N-Dubz will lead by example. Rather than getting distracted away from the polling booths by, say, a Deal Or No Deal marathon or a man waving a stick.

The full horrifying interview can be found here:

(Thanks to Chris for the reminder).

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