Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Jane McDonald on immigration

A couple of direct quotes from Jane McDonald (the brunette one on the end), which she made during a typically in-depth Loose Women discussion on 'broken Britain' today*:

"I know I'm going to get absolutely anihilated for this, but everybody in the
world thinks we're 'great' Britain, and that's why everybody's coming here. All
we want in Britain is fairness for the people who live here."

"We are known as a soft touch. Everybody knows they can come here and get
housing and benefits and everything else, and I think we should start looking
after our own a little bit now."

Of course, she didn't get anihilated for either of those comments - there wasn't time. To her credit, presenter Kate Thornton (youngest ever editor of Smash Hits, fact fans) did point out that McDonald had a slightly Daily Mail-skewed view of things, and that many of the doctors and nurses who work in the NHS she'd just been praising had entered Britain from the other side of the Channel.

McDonald responded by babbling some incoherent rhetoric about "somebody" - "one of our governments, don't care who they are" (what?) - who she implored to "sort it out". She got a round of applause.

* Technically yesterday, but if Jane McDonald can ignore the details, so can I.

1 comment:

  1. She made another ridiculous comment today, blaming high unemployment on immigration. Why is this woman still on the Loose Women panel??
